Feels like running in cycles…
Feels like having zero control …
I hate the fact that we always have to talk about how bad things are right now and how worse it has became or it’s becoming
I hate the fact that priorities such as our dreams, career paths, mental health, accomplishments are reduced to just surviving.

We have been on survival mode for quite a moment now -haha- and by moment, my friend , let’s make it clear that I am talking about years.
Years of self-oppression. Years of “I gotta make it home before sunset” not because it’s safer by daylight but because you are the one guilty for staying out at night. Years of political instability. Years of inflation climbing without rest. Years of constantly wrestling with staying or leaving cause living here can get unbearable. Years of addiction to bad news. Years of “we need a break “ but can’t ever have it actually.

Now, here we are. Still holding on solely to The One who knows it all. Still holding on the hope that it can only get better and not worse. Still holding on to that random stranger’s smile saying "Good morning" passing by. Still holding on to the peaceful sleep of the “Madan Sara” on the top of dozens of stacked food sacks in a truck leaving for far away where they can sell their products.
Still holding on to these children going to school in the midst of what I’m tired of calling the “chaos”. 

Still holding to the fact that I gotta be a great doctor for my people.
Still holding on to the fact that we have to do better to ensure a great future to those newborns babies who let out their first cry on this land.

There’s far more than a thousand reasons why...
So, N AP KEEP GOING is the motto.

-Princesse, Jucie Collection 


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